Tuesday, November 16, 2010

REAL SOMA History The Sixth Street Lodging District has become The Sixth Street Corridor from Hell

This eyesore has marked the beginning of the Sixth Corridor from Hell for over twenty years.With the demolition of the HUGO let's hope the Drug Dealing Miscreants are Tossed out with the Rubble.

Since this Building has held this corner hostage for over twenty years everyone is happy with the outcome.The SROs did lose out again.That's OK because the families that will occupy the new building will be a welcome sight.They will be LOW income units.

This district Known as the sixth street Lodging District has some interesting history.This district once had numerous clean and safe SRO Hotels.Thus earning such a respectable name.The Importance of such Lodging districts to maintain healthy city streets is great.The NIMBYS and Developers seem to think different.

Now the District has Drug Dealing 24 hours a day. Therefore it has become The Sixth Street Corridor from Hell.That can change with harm reduction.

This district was safe right up until BART had the Big DIG and has been in Decline ever since.The Blight Ordinance and The end to Glitter Gulch in the Theater District on Market was one of the reasons too.The Excitement died and the drug thugs moved in and think it is their TURF.

Good Riddance HUGO Hotel

The Examiner did a story Recently about SOMA History and the different districts.The Examiner was not thorough in my opinion.They had the districts broken down and they conveniently forgot to mention that even though there is still a Sixth Street Lodging district on Sixth street in The SOMA that over 20,000 SRO Rooms have been demolished since the BART Big Dig so now the Convention and tourism business is BOOMING.This city may be going through a recession but the revenue is still quite high from tourism and conventions.The Moscone Center,Th Metreon,SFMOMA and The Hotels have been a Boon for the wealthy tax revenue for the city yet a Nightmare for the Poverty stricken Baby Boomers on Stipends.

The Upper Middle class have had many Upscale additions and the Upscale restaurant business is booming and so is the Upscale wine and Regular bars.The Night life in San Francisco is Good.The Night life is also expensive.

Living in San Francisco is Expensive,the poverty stricken are prisoners of RENT to the wealthy.The Rents in some of these SROs have increased over 600 percent since the HUGO Hotel last rented rooms for 80 dollars a week.Rents in San Francisco went down recently for just about every segment of Housing except for the High End and Low End.The Very Good neighborhoods went up in price along with the SRO Rent.

So the SROs are now priced TOO HIGH due to a world class Job of Incompetent PLANNING that only had the interests of the developers and NIMBYS in mind.Supply and Demand ate the Poor Alive!!The Wealthy can Afford it,The Poverty stricken Can't.

Since the International Hotel Battle the SRO Dilemma has been ignored.The Rent when the International was closed was 120 dollars a month.This was after a world class job of lying by politicians promising SROs in future developments.Thirty years Later there are less SROs and the rents on SROs are way over 600 percent higher.ONE of the LYING POLITICIANS is a senator now,HUH Diane?Then the citizens wonder why there are so many homeless citizens on stipends.World class Apathy is why.Has this been fair to the Citizens on the lower end of the socioeconomic totem pole.The Poverty stricken are stuck at the base mired in the Drugs Thugs and Bugs.

The SOMA has some very classy additions that offer the very best in High Rise Condo living with an awesome view.Many of these wealthy residents have walk in closets larger than the SROs that can save lives and keep human beings off the streets yet the greed over the precious land has completely run over the poverty stricken citizens like they do not exist.These New SOMA residents must remember that the SOMA has always been a Middle class Neighborhood with SRO Hotels.The Developers and NIMBYS have been going after the SROs for quit some time.The Redevelopment agency promotes ands helps the Developers, NIMBYS and entrepreneurs never the disabled,elderly and Homeless.The Historical Preservation Society is the Only Organization that has stopped the NIMBYS and developers from Destroying the remaining SRO Hotels.

The Latest Loser to the Wrecking Ball will be the Hugo Hotel.

The Henry Hotel has been a Drug Dealers Haven for a Few Years Now.

The Drug Sales activity along this block is so normal that harm reduction sales would be a welcome sight when done with guards,ambassadors and outreach.

The Balmoral South at 93 sixth has cleaned up a Bit Let's see if it lasts.The Rent is 150.00 a week and that is Cheap.The owner has raised the rents in his Clay Street Units to 180 to 260 a week.He is Greedy of Course.On the other hand he has to deal with vandals.Then when he has a problem tenant he must spend thousands evicting them.San Francisco helps the tenant by funding THCs Eviction Clinic.That is not always good.I call it the postpone the inevitable and file the paperwork anyway clinic, thus tying superior courts up.

The Rents in SROs have been going Up past the Other rents.The politics supply and demand is what dictates the rent.Along with Greed

The decline of this corridor has developers Licking their chops.They want a Victory against the Old SROs.The Continued Dealing,Crimes and Violence have the New Businesses struggling.The Passion Cafe is the latest Upscale Addition. The Other Restaurants Miss Saigon ,Split Pea, seduction all brave Urban Heroes.The two new markets are doing alright.The business can be better.
The Sixth street lodging district had many mom and pop shops that enjoyed the crowd from the theater district.The Glitter and Glamour are gone for now but will be back.

The redevelopment agency believes this also but has made empty promises without harm reduction.

The Seneca Hotel was a Gem in It's day.The Hotel is a Diamond in the Rough.The Behavior in the hotel on the first is insane at best.This hotel is managed by The Tenderloin Housing Clinic.The same organization that handles all the free Unlawful detainer work for the druggies.

To be fair THC handles a Lions share of care not cash and that has the Building overrun by druggies lately.Just come by on the first of he Month and see for yourself.

The Sixth street corridor from Hell Drug Dealing has become an ongoing problem that never seems to end.The Sf Police bust the dealers and take a couple of them away and then they are replaced quickly.Especially around the first when everyone has cash.

The Police,The DA and The Politicians all know they can not ARREST THEIR WAY out of the problem.That would cost the city MILLIONS and is just not a good idea.The Recent LAB scandal has had an effect on the Number of dealers on the street with a shitty attitude.Some of the Drug Thugs think they can sling drugs on the streets forever with impunity.

The Lab scandal has caused a surge in Drug Dealing that is noticeable just ask the Passion Cafe owners.They have a Rooftop Garden Patio that may have it's own version of COPS SF Soon.
Bad boys bad boys what ya gonna do ?What ya gonna do when they come for YOU!
Bail out or Get out on OR, and do it all over again.

Kamala has a Limited budget and Many more violent crimes to Prosecute.The situation is a Tricky one.The Conservative die hards want ARRESTS of course.Everyone does when it comes to the blatant Street Dealers.That is why the resources need to be focused on areas of the city like The sixth street corridor.This Place has become one of the containment zones.The Problem with that is the reputation of this Corridor.The reputation IS that the drugs are here,COME AND GET EM!What YA want,They have it all.
That is TRULY the reputation,BIG TIME!

The Largest mistake the City can make is to continue to allow Cannabis to be sold on the streets when THAT product can be diverted from street sales very easily.

The Street Drug Slingers have a Pricing system THAT SUCKS and their product varies in quality and source.The Harm reduction center can beat the quality and the Price NO SWEAT.Plus TAKE the business away from the Drug Thugs.That would be a 30 to 35 percent reduction of the street drug sales.THAT'S BIG!

That's Harm Reduction!

To Continue letting the Street Thugs literally have the business is so damn ignorant the city loses out on a Great chance for harm reduction and a source of Non Profit funding.

This is Business as Usual on the sixth street Corridor of Drug Deals.This scene and spot where dealers are getting Busted will have a Replacement within a Half an Hour after the Bust selling Crack,Ice and Weed at the same exact spot 30 minutes later. Really! This Actually Happened no sooner than the cops Busted someone selling drugs.The Replacement Thugs are quick.

The Gangs from the Projects set up organized sales where all the drugs are stashed away from the person making the deals.They have one Thug Harking,One Thug Handling the Product and One Thug Handling the Money.They also have lookouts.This Kind of Organized crime happens in front of the Hotels.

The Deals are also Going on Inside the Hotels but they are a Different gang,The NORTENOS.They are also Much more patient,Organized and Tricky.The Trick to their Madness is someone controlling the Entrance to the Hotel.Either as an Operative or a simple lookout.Carlos a Notorious Norteno THC Hotel Manager who was employed at the Mission for years until they fired him has left a legacy that STINKS up the Seneca now.

The deals at the Seneca and The Henry spill out on to Sixth street.The drama in the building is so Hideous that the Hotels and streets become one big Drug Carnival on PAYDAY.

The Citizens need to step up and take control.The Police say they want to have a New Police sub station on 6th street and it will be like the APATHETIC station in the Tenderloin,USELESS.The politicians and police are blowing smoke up are ass again.Feels uncomfortable too Me!

The Cops know damn well they can arrest all the drug thugs they want and there will be replacements,with a Quickness.The Desperation during the recession is Too great and this is a Prime Hub near BART that Has many Customers.

Once Again:The Only way to take control is To eliminate the cannabis sales on the streets FIRST thus Taking The Cannabis CUSTOMERS away form the Gangs.

The Police need to allow a Harm reduction center next door that sells Cannabis and gives twenty percent to charity.The Situation could be quite beneficial to the area and have a HUGE Public Relation Boon attached.

The Police need to Never sweat the cannabis sales in fact the City needs to do what Sheriff Hennessy did Not what The SF Police and Fagan did when Dennis Peron stepped up and did what was needed to be done in the 1990s.The San Francisco Buyers Cooperative was Born.Before Prop 215.By a POTHEAD Vietnam Veteran.The Story still gets me TINGLY.

Thank GOD We had a Couple of Level headed Sheriffs in those days.Hennessey and Plummer.
Hennessy is still around!

That helps immensely.

When The state was ready to raid them Dennis was warned and then released later because of Hennessey's help.Hennessy refused to raid Dennis and ignored Dan Lungren(idiot!).Dennis dispensed Cannabis before the laws were in place.The Sixth street Corridor is the Kind of place that can Benefit from such Foresight and Tenacity.So WTF San Francisco Lets do this.Kamala Harris being the next Attorney general would help immensely.Steve Cooley would RAID the Harm Reduction center Just as Dan Lungren Raided Dennis Peron.The Same Misguided Logic and The Same old Archaic Cognition's that insisted on Enforcement to the LETTER of the LAW .That Would be a Cognitive Distortion against society.To Continue to allow the Drug Thugs to make Money selling cannabis on the street alongside other HARD DRUG Sales is a Tragedy and Distortion.

Dennis Peron also made sense when he said he can not UNDERSTAND Recreational Use.I Can Dig That Dennis But You know as well as I do that Harm Reduction is needed still even if the State law does Not allow such a venture.Hell The Federal Law still applied so it would still be a RISK.WTF I'm In!I would Just Frigging DO IT.Just Like Dennis did!He knew that the Patients were being Gaffed and it was WRONG to make these citizens buy from the Street Thugs.It is also wrong when Tourists are gaffed thinking they are buying a Great California product and Instead get Boo Boo Schwag brown weed from down south.That is bad tourist relations.That continued ignorance is also Feeding the drug Cartels Money.Harm Reduction can be a WIN/WIN/LOSE situation.The Cartels and Gangs being the Loser of Course.

Medical Cannabis is Great Thing BUT Please Understand the SIMPLE DOCTORS FEE is Still Too High for many citizens who use Medically and they still buy from the street thugs because they NEVER have the extra 100 bucks to obtain a Doctors Note.That 100 bucks is ALL they can spend that month and that is stretching it.With SOME Doctors asking LESS(50 Bucks in some offices) the Poor are Having better access.YES THE POOR!Safe Access is what is Important.That can't be argued with unless you are a Fanatic Like Dan Lungren is and Harry Anslinger was.

IN The Meantime The Drugs are being sold along The sixth street Corridor from Hell (AKA as The Sixth Street Lodging district) and That MUST STOP.This corridor is a Main artery into the Civic Center and downtown area.Very Bad Public Relations Degradation and Violence is all that has happened in thirty years with the exception of THOSE Stores and few Brave Restaurants like The Passion Cafe.They are not being Totally ignored even with arrests there is a surge of Drug Dealing.This Insanity is exactly what can be used against this district to Facilitate the demise of the Sixth Street Corridor from hell.

The City needs to allow Harm Reduction sales of cannabis now if someone is willing to take the risks with the FEDS like Dennis did in the 90s.

Once a Harm Reduction Center is in Place the BIG TIME Public relation are needed.Weekly BBQs and a huge Get together to network.The FEDS would make a HUGE PR Mistake to Raid.Just as they would make a HUGE PR mistake to Raid the HUGE Grows in Oakland.

San Francisco wants the citizens to step up and cooperate,not without harm Reduction sales.That on act would LOOSEN up the attitudes when they see the city meeting the Citizens part way.Giving the Citizens an Outlet for cannabis Just like they want.

Then ask the citizens to do what the citizens in Oakland did.The 23rd street project was born.The citizens stepped up Documented and Filmed the Insanity.That kind of Bravery was Happening at a Hotel on Sixth street. Then Randy Shaw and THC had a Court Order Drafted for Jeff Webb to Cease and Desist in the building.Funny Thing in Oakland he would be appreciated, at least By The 23rd street Project.

San Francisco will never have an ending to this Nightmare when the Management of a Care not cash Hotel does not appreciate brave Citizens who want change.

The THC Staff tried to make Jeff out to be some kind of Peeping Tom.That was Bullshit.Jeff Has Some real footage that the So Called Edited Security cameras at the THC Hotel did not have.Same time period and perpetrators were ERASED.That is because the Management either has the wool pulled over THC and Randy Shaw's Eyes or it is a figment of every ones vivid imagination.

Come See for yourself on PAYDAY. What happens on The first is a Major RICO case in The Making.Jeff Webb Recently had a Crazy Informing blog he called Payday on Sixth Street.BLUOZ.com.Great work Jeff.

ONCE AGAIN UNDERSTAND THIS PLEASE:Jeff Webb had the Live Web Cam for a Moment and Randy Shaw and THC sought a Court order to stop him.THC controls the Building Security cameras and erases and edits at will.

That is why some of the Drug Thugs on Stevenson like to use The Seneca as a Safe Location for their Stash of the day.Quite often they will offer a Resident a Pittance for their help.Poverty,Boredom and Addiction leads to some very stupid decisions.

The Drug Dealing is real bad on the sixth street corridor from hell.Really we are Not Kidding when we say the dealers are replaced very quickly

The Revolving Door Policy can only be chipped away with harm reduction.

The Homeless Citizens have been blamed for everything that happens on the street.They commit very few murders and have been victims more often than perpetrators.The Examiner Reports the Homeless like they are the issue every time they have a story about something Bad happening outside.The Propaganda has made the issue a Hot One.The drug Dealers are Not Homeless citizens most of the time unless they are being used for watch. The Examiner would have citizens thinking different.They are not big Customers either.They are Broke!

The Money comes from out of town for the Most part.With BART right There the dealers take advantage of the HUB.DUH!!

So Can The Harm Reduction Center.

This Homeless Citizen has to live through all the hell on the streets and be blamed FOR EVERYTHING.


UNTIL THERE IS HOUSING THIS WILL BE THE NORM.The Homeless are stuck in the middle of the politics,NIMBYS and propaganda and it is an Uncomfortable Fit.Shelters are just not an Option for many Baby Boomers who WILL NOT GO TO THEM.The Only way San Francisco can get Baby Boomers who are HIDING from the Weak Ass Services is To open a Shelter similar to Irvin Goodwin's shelter and San Francisco will se a Response that will surprise them.Irvin Goodwin's Emergency Veterans Shelter has waiting list and Of Course one must be a veteran.This structured Facility provides supportive services from the time the client walks in the door.The Obviously supportive environment is so inviting.There needs to be shelter similar to this Opened on the sixth street corridor from hell and it will help to restore the District to the Sixth street Lodging district again soon.

There has Been a stack of Studies by a Bunch of PHDs that is PILED HIGH and DEEP that all say the same thing!Build a whole bunch of Inexpensive Housing or the Issues will increase!

The Solution to the Madness is as it always has been for THIRTY YEARS PLUS since the International Hotel Protestors.There are a few new Ideas and approaches since then however.

1,Open Up A Shelter for Baby Boomers Only on the corridor.This shelter having the same space and dignity as Irvins.The Facility would be small like CITY TEAM ,Clean City Coaltion and Care not Cash on Steroids for Boomers without the Required Bible study.The structure would scare away druggies and attract serious clients.
2.No Less than Five more SRO Hotels are needed that have Rents that are 30 percent of SSI Checks.The Only way the City will ever be at Cause it To get into the SRO Business with Randy Shaw and THC.The waterfront property would be a great finale to dignity with Five more SROs on the sixth street corridor as a start.Since THC is Too Big Too Fail ask them to expand.

3.San Francisco has to get away from a Master Leasing Plan and work towards a city owned Public Equity plan with care not cash and all master leasing rooms.

4.Open a Harm Reduction center near the Police station that sells cannabis OTC and takes 20 percent off the top to fund the Baby Boomers Shelter.
5.Serve Food at the shelter and for all the Homeless in the evenings only.

Most Citizens would scream where are we Going to get that kind of money?

I sceam Back,The FUCKING MONEY is at GOLDMAN SACHS,JP MORGAN Chase,ChuckienSchwab and so on.The Wealth is here.They Just do not like giving money that will be squandered by LIBERAL NANNIES.I So Agree!!

The Safety Net system has been turned into the Hammock from Hell.Do not think for one second that some of these Titans do not notice.That Irritates then as well s anyone else.

Get MY POINT?There are Corporations that would help if a. NEW SOLUTION is at hand.The Financial Barons need good PR.They would bite if the Model is Functional Like Best Practices Examples such as Irvin Goodwins.

Most of the Businesses are tired of the same old shit when it comes to solutions.The FRIGGING RED TAPE needs to be Jammed up the NIMBYS Collective Asses.

The issue will never be money it is a NIMBY ISSUE and it is Never discussed.The Money can be Obtained!The Wild Feral NIMBYS However are another Issue.

The Sixth street lodging district needs expanding not shrinking.Without the SROs the Insanity will become much worse.

Harm Reduction and SROs will Bring Big Changes to the SOMA.The Status Quo Sucks.

The History of SOMA had a Vibrant Hotel district and a Vibrant theater dsitrict that needs to be equally Restored the way it was when I was Born.Before the Lost Drug War.




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